Thursday 25 March 2010

The break & What we've been up to??

I cannot believe our last posting was in June 2009!!! Time has truly flown. Since the posting a lot has happened. As most of you would know (well definitely friends and family) - we have been back in the UK since October 2009, had a series of talks and meetings with a number of churches and organisations to raise Nixon's profile, met a number of interesting people and friends; being to a few interesting places and had a second daughter - Janelle. So much has happened since June; and much more is happening. See pictures

When we left Nixon in October 2009, the plan was to spend Christmas and New Year here in the UK to await the birth of Janelle.

From the day we arrived in the UK we started a series of meetings with interest groups including 'Friends of Nixon'. That was a fantastic meeting as it gave us the opportunity to meet most of the people who support Nixon through prayers and generous financial contributions.We were really strengthened by the encouragement we received from the group and it was really great to meet Nixon 'legends' like 'Mama Gibson', Rev. Frank Himsworth (recently deceased), Dr John Cochrane and a whole host of others.

Dr Cochrane in conversation with yours truly

The late Rev. Himsworth - engaging as ever

We thank God for the friends of Nixon and the work they do to make a small corner of the world a better place for the disadvantaged.

1 comment:

Esther said...

Nice to see that you are blogging again. I love the pictures of the two girls. They are both very cute.
God bless and hope you can be a real blessing in SL.
Love Esther Visser