Friend - Someone who cares enough to make your problems or concerns, no matter how irrelevant or big, their problem or concern. Some friendships we initiate and work hard to maintain them, others are entrusted upon us, and again there may be some that we absolutely wish we never had made. The fact of the matter is that friendships are an integral part of human relationships.
We have undoubtedly made many friends here, but Little J has formed a friendship stronger than all the others with one particular girl – a girl slightly older than her. Their friendship started about a year ago when Fema could barely speak English and Little J had little or no knowledge of Mende or Creole. But over time their friendship has grown at such a pace, all our family and friends know about ‘our famous Fema’ that they all want to meet her some day. Our hearts warm with the knowledge that lifelong friendships can begin at such an early age and then we remember our own dear lifelong friends and smile – because these are friendships we have made since the cradle. We thank God for these jewels in our lives as we cherish the memories.
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