The hot weather obviously brings with it some blessings – the grass on the hospital site needs less cutting so we are able to deploy the grounds men to do other duties such as harvesting the palm fruits on site. Last year we were able to produce nearly a drum of palm oil from the harvest and we look forward to a much bigger yield this year.
Palm fruits
The arrival of many birds is a wonder to behold at this time of the year. The most interesting, in my opinion, is a flock of cattle egrets resident here at Nixon. They visit us twice (sometimes three times) a day - every day. I have tried to take pictures but my photography skills are not that brilliant. The chickens were better subjects– they are not camera shy – but they do make a sensible dash for cover when the odd hawk visits.
Cattle egret
This time of year is not the best for most of our students as they are busy with examinations!!! The recent intake have just finished sitting their Introductory exams whilst the second year students are now sitting their mid course assessment examinations. The experience is especially stressful now that students are expected to achieve a minimum standard before they are allowed to progress to the next level. They have been working hard and we wish them all the best.
The Walkway from Male & Female wards to back of OPD.
Picture 1
We recently had a visit from a lady who lived at Nixon during the late 1960s.
Linda had a lot of stories for us to enjoy and enlightened us on the way ‘missionaries’ lived in the 60s and 70s. The stories made us realise that some of the challenges we currently face are not unique – which was a relief. We were able to draw from her huge experience as we grapple with living and working in Segbwema. Linda’s experiences were of great help to us and we appreciate her visit to Nixon.
Little J - really enjoying her meal
.......Little J with our home helpers (L-R) Ansu, Mama Sumbo & Lucy. They make our home running smoothly and we are really grateful for their help and support.
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