I used to jokingly say, ‘Paradise’ for me is living in a hut by the sea. But on deeper inspection, is it? I always thought the closer I am to the sea the more blissful my life would be, but without the cursory mosquito net, plumbing and electricity the closeness to the sea is minor joy, if any.
Can you imagine getting up in the morning and having to use the space behind the bush (or if it’s ‘developed’, a hole in the ground) as the first place to visit? To get a proper bath may mean walking (even 1/8th of a mile) to the nearest stream. To have some breakfast, you need to lug the water back in a container, catch a proper fire and get it boiled (properly for 5 minutes or more). If not, that hole in the ground will be your best friend for the next few days. You need to get some of that water cooled (in a clean container and properly covered) for drinking later.
Then, ignoring the need for grooming and deodorant, (who am I trying to impress anyway?), the next task is figuring out breakfast. The easiest choice is vegetarian (just eating fruits and drinking water) but a treat would be to have some fish and cassava cake (bammy). Fishing is not my strongest point (unless I beg the fish to jump in the net), then there is the scaling and gutting – I missed that class....The bammy making is no joke as – I’ll need to find and dig the cassava, then grate, wash, squeeze, dry and press into the cake......maybe I should just stick to fruits.
Having a drink of coconut water would be perfect at this point, but then that’s another class I missed.... climbing the tree, and opening the nut. I usually left the climbing to experts and the opening of the nut (by machete) to the men of the household. So, I guess plain water will have to do (when it’s cooled). Is this paradise or major hard work?
The option, for some, is a 5 (or even 2) star beach resort. Here, by the snap of a finger, a meal is served (and this can be without even leaving your room). The task of grooming can be left for others to do. I do so appreciate a good professional hair wash and style; waxing and threading....first impressions and all.A warm bath (or just a shower) is expected and a visit to the toilet may be akin to a luxury tour in some resorts. Now, that’s more like paradise........
I’m happy I have a choice, and can change my mind about that hut by the sea.
But think of the millions of souls living in developing countries without this option? For them the hut by the sea is their reality. Some are even worse off, as their hut may be in a slum in a city surrounded by thousands of other huts vying for very limited natural resources (water, electricity and fire wood). Their reality is only a mere thought for me ( I can choose to think like this in my spare time or dismiss it and think of something more pleasant).
We are blessed in so many ways and don’t even know it.
To be reminded though, try living in a hut by the sea......