A few of you might have heard …………….. Little J is now officially an African. Last week proved to be a very testing and trying time, as she had what we thought was malaria. We think we have come out stronger and wiser for the experience, but would not want to go there again!!!!!
Little J had symptoms of malaria which lasted for seven days. It lasted this long because she refused to take the medication – even after holding her down and pouring it in with a syringe. She has proved to be a headstrong and determined patient and we have gone through some very, very long nights. We have told her being headstrong and determined are good traits, but not at this age when she cannot be reasoned with. She eventually went through (or was bathed by) a whole bottle (100mls) of Calpol, 2 regimes of anti-malarial (for treatment) and countless number of paracetamol tablets. She is now battling an upper respiratory tract infection, which we are sure will pass without ill effect (she is being ‘bathed’ with antibiotics). It was a very different experience, but one which we have learnt many lessons, of which we will try to share:
- God is in control at all times, especially when it seems so unlikely
- Family ties need to be maintained at all cost – they are the ones you may need to call in the middle of the night for reassurance, advise and prayer!!!!!!!
- Never, ever think the devil is in control. Superstitious people may say or suggest this, but the God we serve is larger and stronger than all the superstitions.
- Hold on to the promises of God esp. when exhausted from the battle and the night seems longer than normal.
- Live a moment at a time – trying to think of the next task/ challenge ( which may never come) will only prove to wear you down more
- Parenthood is the most challenging but rewarding profession that one can undertake. Parents need to be proud of our status and embrace it with an open heart – God is there with us every step of the way. We are special people!!!!!!
We became stronger as a family through this trial, and now I understand what the Bible says about trials leading to perseverance and perseverance to character, and character
hope etc.( Romans 5 v 3,4). Only trials can make us stronger in Christ.
We have tested our degree of integration in the Nixon community. So many people have prayed for us on so many different occasions and on a particular day, the whole school population that attended the chapel service that morning walked to our house to pray for Little J and us. It was touching and moving. We felt a part of a large family, and we will never ever have to wonder what they think of us. We are no longer outsiders.
We have also tested the health provision here. We were blessed and pleased to have the choice and advise of 3 doctors (all Sierra Leoneans but with different specialities – one a GP based in England working with us for a short period). They were accessible even late at night and we realised we are in a relatively better position than if we were in London – no GP would have left his house to visit a sick (feverish) child. We would have had to wait until morning to make an appointment, or bundled her up and rush to the A&E in the cold night. We counted our blessings even more when we were reminded that one can get sick anywhere, but it seems Nixon is the place to be when malaria strikes!
Now we are well (a bit tired and also battling the symptoms of ? flu). We are slowly getting back in the routine of things. We are reminded this can happen again – and we will have to start to use our mosquito repellents more often. The consolation is that if it strikes again, the symptoms should not be so intense, as the body would have the memory to fight. We are hoping this will not be for a very, very long time.
Prayer warriors, please help us to thank God for Little J’s health. Now she needs to start eating better to increase in strength. Pray for the blood of Jesus to cover us all wherever we are. Pray for our doctors and nurses to continue to use discretion and wisdom in their daily consultations. Pray also for us to have discretion, wisdom and strength to continue the mission journey.
We miss you all, but know that God is with us all. We are connected because of His blood and we feel we have ‘… the peace of God which passes all understanding….’ (Phil. 4 vs. 7)
With God’s richest blessings,
Michael, Joanna and Little J